Friday 10 March 2017

5 Potential Causes of Toothache and Ways to Deal With It

                                Tooth Decay

Toothache can be killing, to an extent where you can have major complications. Like tooth loss, bacterial blood infection or inflammation between the lungs. And there are chances that you might be at a risk of pneumonia or brain abscesses. But, this is when, if you leave your toothache untreated.

However, the effects of toothache majorly depend on the type of reason, its realization is the first and foremost step to get away or minimize the risk of developing such health issues. But there are people who either don’t realize whether it is a toothache or just ignore it simply because of carelessness, lack of time, laziness to book an appointment or they don’t know how a mild toothache can result in dire consequences.

How Will You Know You Need To Visit A Dentist?

If your toothache lasts longer than a day or two, and you are experiencing any of these problems then, it is time you should visit the dentist to avoid any further complications:
  • Fever and earache
  • Swelling around the tooth
  • Having trouble opening your mouth wide
  • Secretion of foul tasting drainage from the infected tooth
If it is not treated at the right time, there are higher chances of spreading it to other parts of the mouth, face and even skull.

But What Actually Is a Toothache? A Normal Pain Or Something Beyond?

Well, toothache is typically a pain which exists in and surrounding the teeth area including the jaw. It occurs when the innermost layer of the tooth becomes swollen due to tooth decay, or due to a broken tooth or thinning of gums. And, since different people say different things, it becomes difficult to understand the actual root cause of this dental problem.
So, below are the 5 probable causes that are believed to trigger the problem of toothache in an individual:

1. Tooth Decay/Cavity

Tooth Decay

The most common reason behind developing a toothache is tooth decay which happens as a result of bacterial infection. This further leads to formation of cavities or holes in the hard surface of the tooth.

2. Cracked Tooth/Dental Injury

Cracked Tooth

Teeth (even without a cavity) that are weak from within generally break by themselves or get cracked while biting something hard that they can’t withstand. This also results in a severe toothache. In other cases, dental injuries caused by accidents also lead to this problem.

3. Gum Recession

Gum Recession

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